Monday, April 9, 2012

Find Rest

"Come unto me all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Cracked Pot

"Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand"
Jeremiah 18:6

How many of us started out with a perfect life? No flaws, no mistakes, perfect parents and siblings. I venture to say not many. We may have entered this world as wonderful little babies, but soon discovered the our surroundings were challenging! If not our surroundings, then possible something within us was amiss! We can liken our lives as a piece of pottery that became cracked! If you have ever watched a potter at work, it is quite fascinating! They slap the piece of clay on the wheel and start to a spinning! Slowly an image appears out of the hunk of clay. It resembles something like a bowl, a vase, a cup or dish. Whatever purpose the creator deemed for that particular piece of clay. If he is forming the clay into its purpose and a weakness in the clay somehow emerges; the potter may do something hard to believe. If a weakness occurs, a crack may appear in the clay. With one swift sweep, the potter will smash the clay image that was forming and begin anew!
Can you relate to this picture so far? Have you been a vessal being formed for the master's use only to find out you had a huge crack in your person? Perhaps a crack appeared because of some trauma or hurt. Perhaps you were the victim of a terrible situation. Perhaps sickness came upon you and caused a huge crack of weakness. Whatever the case, there it was! No matter how hard you tried to maintain a life of joy and peace, it always seemed to leak out! Now the potter has come along and smashed you altogether! It couldn't get much worse!
Do not fear. This is all in the master potter's plan."But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemd best to him." Jeremiah 18:4 "Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel." Jeremiah 18:6 While God was specifically speaking to Israel, we can take these spiritual truths and apply them to our lives.
Right now at this very moment God is remaking you into something beautiful. You still have a purpose and destiny. It may not have been what you thought. But that is O.K. Let God remake you into the beautiful vessal that only he can. Be pliable in his hands. Become a vessal fit for the master's use.
Do not despise being remade. It is for your best interest and for the will of God.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Get The Account of your Life Reactivated

"Many feel they have been "deactived" from God. Is your account with God active? God wants to have these "accounts" "activated" once again. Go to "your page" ("your life") before Him and tell him, you would like to have your "account" (your life) reactivated" once again. He will do it. Your reactivation might mean; where your healing as been paused, it will start up again, or where your ministry as been on hold, it will be restarted again. Your life in Him will come alive again.

Your activation is free, but it will cost your time, commitment and life!"

One of the things that could put our lives on hold is that we spend too much time looking back at our mistakes or hurts that have taken place. If we spend most of our time looking back we cannot see to move forward. If we spend our time looking back in the rear view mirror of life, we could crash, for not seeing what's ahead.

Let's do what the apostle Paul, said, "Forgetting those things that are behind and pressing forth to those things ahead.

We all have had hurts from the past. We all have made mistakes. But it is time to leave the past in the past and focus on those things that are in the future.

God wants you to forget those things that are in the past. Forgive any that has hurt you and start living in your future!

Find textbooks at Alibris!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Photo Gallery of Friends and Family

IN my family I have a son and daughter. My son is married and lives in Georgia. He has 3 girls. My daughter is not married and lives in Charlotte.

Breaking up the Fallow Ground

Breaking up the Fallow Ground

After the long cold winter, the soil endured bitter temperatures, making the ground hard. Have you experienced bitterness and dissappointment in your life? Hurts, unforegiveness, betrayal are just a few things that can cause hardness of heart. The soil of the heart could become unfit for planting. Nothing will grow there if that is the case! Everything dies in its path. The flowers, grass, even weeds succumb to the winter blast. Where there is hurt and disappointment, there is no life; nothing can grow in a heart where these exist. But God does not give up on us that easily.

Everything in nature is shouting about the goodness of God and redemption, if we will but listen!

Where there is death; life and resurrection is sure to follow. Spring and new life are just around the corner.

It is not unthinkable to imagine a lovely vegetable garden where only dead weeds and grass lay. Even so in our lives, where there has been death, destruction, lies and hurts, God has only one thing on His mind; Resurrection life!

The soil is bare and lifeless. How can anything grow here again? Just wait and see. The process is not pain free though!

The soil must be broken up. The fallow ground must be softened.

When we experience hurts or disappointments, we just want to bury the pain and get on with our lives. But little do we know that we are causing our hearts to become hardened when we do this. Nothing will grow in a hardened heart. We must face the hurts and allow forgiveness to flow, softening up the ground of our hearts. Bring one and bring all past hurts and negative experiences to the Lord. He will heal, forgive, and deliver. He will whisper words of life and hope.

Listen, can you hear it? Maybe while you are digging up the hard ground in your backyard, He is speaking to you. “I love you too much to leave you this way.” He says.

The hard ground gives way to the gentle nudging of His words of life and love. “Cast all your cares upon him, for he cares for you.” Go ahead and give the hurts and disappointments to the Lord. He took them for each of us and wants us to be free. Simple words, yet such a powerful message that can change a life. One step at a time, we can feel our hearts giving way to softness. “I can feel love again”, we say. We are no longer numb!

Now that the soil is broken up and softened, it is ready for planting.

New life is just a seed away.

Friday, March 2, 2012

DeClutter our Lives

Have you ever noticed how fast stuff can accumulate? In the kitchen, at my desk, in the is a constant battle to keep things in it's place! If I let stuff get out of hand, I feel the effects of it in other areas of my life. I loose my focus. It is hard for me to concentrate too. Even though it seems everything is out where I can see it, it is more hard to find the things that I need. I am also less productive!
The same is true in the Spirit. If I let things clutter my heart, I can feel it. I lose clarity of mind and spirit. If I let irritations build up, it effects me. If I let unforgiveness build up, it will harden my heart. If I become cold toward the needs of others, I stop moving in compassion toward them. All this will break down into less prayer, less love, less connection with the Lord.
I know we all fight the clutter bug in our homes, our cars, and at our offices. It is important to address these areas. But most importantly, lets be sure we deal with the clutter of our heart! A clean heart is priceless
He desires a clean hands and a pure heart. By his grace we can do it:)

The Good Gardner

The good gardener

Psalm 20:2 “May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion.”

Amazing how a simple task like staking up tomato plants can speak a message from God.

How wonderful tomato plants are when they are growing. Through the soil, water and sun they get taller and taller each day. As any good gardener knows, they will eventually need to be tied to a stake to support them as they continue to grow and bear fruit.

Our heavenly Father is like a good gardener. He knows how to take care of his people. He wants his children to bear fruit too.

He will send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Moses and the Weary Battle

Exodus 17:11

"While Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, but whenever he put his hand down, Amalek prevailed."

Have you ever felt like you were in a battle from sunrise to sunset? Or maybe your battle has lasted days, even weeks or months. When a battle (whether, emotional, physical, spiritual) lasts a long time, you can tend to get very weary and want to give up. This is the situation Moses found himself in. He sent Joshua to fight the Amalakites. When Moses held the staff of God in his hands with his arms raised, the Israelites were winning. But when his arms grew tired, he lowered his arms and the Israelites began to loose.
When we get so weary and tired, we must not give up. If we do, we can very well loose the battle! That's where friends, family, or co-warriers can be very valuable! Moses had Aaron and Hur with him. What they did was remarkable! They held up Moses' arms. So he could inturn hold the staff up above his head. This way the Israelites prevailed against their enemies and beat them! Without Aaron and Hur's help, Moses would not have been able to do this!
The same goes for us. Sometimes we just need to humble ourselves and admit we need help. We need trusted relationships like this. Do you feel free to call upon someone to help hold your arms up in a battle? If not, you might start thinking about developing such a friendship/relationship! We all need help from time to time. It is much easier going through a battle with someone than going it alone.
Make up your mind today that you will ask for help when needed. It just might mean the difference from winning or losing a battle!

Monday, February 27, 2012


We all have family. Husbands, children, parents, grandparets. Every single one of them has their own issues and struggles they are going through. Because we are related to them, we share in their struggles as well.
My family is no exception. My daughter who is turning 32 this week is not married. She has had many boyfriends in the past. As a matter of fact, her most recent boyfriend came back into to town to meet with her to beg her to come back! She is not ready to do that. He hurt her and she is not ready to commit. I is hard to watch her deal with this. Should she take him back or let him go? God has someone just for her. At one point she so desperatly wanted to get married, now she's not so sure!

(Here we are together)
Then there is my husband. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer last February. In May he had surgery to have his prostate removed. Since then the cancer has returned. He has had hormone therepy. This is to stop the testerone production which the cancer cells feed off of. He has had side effects from the therepy like hot flashes, depression, fatigue. This has been my struggle too.  Every night before we go to sleep, I pray for him to be healed. We are trusting the Lord for a miracle.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


What does it take to start over in life?
There are several things one must do to begin anew. As one that has had many experiences in starting over, I would say there was one moment that set the path of my life in the new direction.
I was a very lost young woman when I was in my 20's. Drugs, alcohol and bad company were the norm. I was miserable and lonely. I desperatly wanted someone to listen and to love me. But who would?
Then one day I ran into an old acquaintence. He began to share with me how he had a spritual encounter with Jesus Christ. "Yes, he is real". As he recounted his life and saw the many wrong turns he had taken, he released it all to God. He put his trust in Jesus, his son that he provided forgiveness, cleansing, and healing. The most amazing thing happened. As he was speaking, a supernatural power came over me, I  began to weep. I felt a cleansing going through me. As I believed in Jesus that he was God's sacrifice to bring forgiveness, I experienced it. Total forgiveness, total cleansing, total, connection with the Lord. My life was changed from othat moment on. I have had many stopping and starting moments, but it has all been with God at the center of my life. Loving me, guiding me, being with me.
Ask Jesus to come into your life today. Receive him as the sacrifice God provided for your sins to be forgiven and removed. He will change your life.
Let your old life be put to death with him on the cross he died on. Yes he rose from the dead, but it was to a new and power of life. Let your life be set on a new course of direction.
You can do it!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Good Farmer

Psalm 20:2 “May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion.”

Amazing how a simple task like staking up tomato plants can speak a message from God.

How wonderful tomato plants are when they are growing. Through the soil, water and sun they get taller and taller each day. As any good gardener knows, they will eventually need to be tied to a stake to support them as they continue to grow and bear fruit.

Our heavenly Father is like a good gardener. He knows how to take care of his people. He wants his children to bear fruit too.

He will send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion.


The good gardener

Psalm 20:2 “May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion.”

Amazing how a simple task like staking up tomato plants can speak a message from God.

How wonderful tomato plants are when they are growing. Through the soil, water and sun they get taller and taller each day. As any good gardener knows, they will eventually need to be tied to a stake to support them as they continue to grow and bear fruit.

Our heavenly Father is like a good gardener. He knows how to take care of his people. He wants his children to bear fruit too.

He will send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion.


Secrets from my Garden


Once your soil has been broken up and softened, it is ready for planting; chose high quality seeds. There are only 2 ways of knowing which seeds are good. One is by trial and error. Try different brands of seeds and see which ones grow well. Another way is by reputation. Ask neighbors and friends where they get their seeds. I personally like to go to an old time hardware store where they sell the seeds in bulk. If you hang around there long enough, some old timer will come in and gladly offer his advice from everything to which seeds to buy, to how to plant and harvest!

Everything in nature has a spiritual parallel. There is a message from God about the seeds.

“The seed is the word of God.” Luke 8:11

“A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds of the air ate it up. Some fell on rock, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown.”

Be sure to plant your seed on good soil.

“This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have not root. They believe for a while but in the time of testing they fall away. The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.”

Luke 8: 5-15

As you plant your garden, this spring, remember the seed you sow in the ground is a picture of something much more powerful. The natural seed is planted in the earth. Out of it comes a new life which brings forth even more new life. It brings nourishment to all that partake of it. Likewise the seed of the word of God is planted in earthen vessels like you and I. It too has the power to bring new life. It carries within itself the promise of eternal life.

“For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.” I Peter 1:23

Pathway to Destiny .......What's Your Destiny?

Pathway to Destiny is the name of our women's ministry. It is a place where women can gather for the purpose of Fellowship - Encouragement - and Ministry. Pathway to Destiny meets once a month in a home setting.

Women come together in a comfortable and Christ like environment. Here, they develop trusting bonds of friendship. They encourage one another with words of love and wisdom. Ladies reach out to one another as needs are expressed and loving hearts of prayers are shared.

Pathway to Destiny is a place where ladies can receive inspiration to reach their potential and fulfill destiny.

"You are a treasure chest of wisdom and insight! Its time to draw out the priceless gifts God has entrusted to you. Someone needs to hear your message of hope. Your story change someone's life!"......C.Bullard
Our Vision:

To Connect: Women for the purpose of fellowship, encouragement and ministry.

Every person on the planet was born for a reason. There is a gifting and talent planted in the heart of every person. For some, finding their destiny is easy. Destiny happens to be something one is passionate about. It does not grow out of a vacuum; rather it develops out of life. For some discovering a purpose becomes a long process. Their destiny lay hidden beneath layers of wrong pathways, mistakes, hurts, or confusion. But the good news is that even mistakes and wrong paths can become tools that direct us to our destiny!

Our Mission: Is to Inspire, Encourage, and Motivate healing and restoration so destiny can be fulfilled through......

1) Fellowship: Develop trusting relationships and bonds of friendship.

2) Encouragement: Receive encouragement through the teaching from the word of God to get free from every weight and distraction so that every woman can be all that God intended them to be.

3) Ministry: Receive personal ministry through the word of God and prayer.

4) Receive: Opportunities to reach out to others in need for salvation, prayer, encouragement, or practical needs such as food or clothing


Everyone you meet is fighting a battle. It could be a battle of sickness and disease. Or it could be a battle of great hurt and pain caused by another human being. What ever your destiny; it most likely will involve people! My advice to you, is to be kind to the people that come into your life. Treat them with respect and dignity. Treat them the same way you would like to be treated.

Meet Carol

My lilfe radically changed as I experienced an encounter with the Lord when I was 21. My future husband, Waymon shared Christ with me at the time. I experienced freedom from worldly strongholds right away. After my conversion, I attended Zion Bible Institute in East Providence, Rhode Island. Upon graduating from Zion, I returned home to marry Waymon and move to Fayetteville, NC where we resided for 22 years. Being involved at Manna Church was a great place to function in my gifts and calling with the women's ministry.

Currently, I lead a Women’s group where women are encouraged through fellowship, teaching, and prayer. My women's group and blog encourages all ladies to pursue the Lord and all He has for them. My goals are to expand and reach many more ladies with the message that all ladies have value and a God given purpose and destiny. My desire is to see women of any age refreshed in their vision to fulfill their life purpose and be released in the gifts God has given them to accomplish their goals.

I live in Charlotte, NC. I am a member of Antioch International Church.

I am a violin instructor. I love teaching my students how to play the violin.

I also enjoy gardening, reading and spending time with my family.

I have just recently been ordained as a minister of the Gospel with "Christians for Messiah Ministries".