Sunday, February 26, 2012


What does it take to start over in life?
There are several things one must do to begin anew. As one that has had many experiences in starting over, I would say there was one moment that set the path of my life in the new direction.
I was a very lost young woman when I was in my 20's. Drugs, alcohol and bad company were the norm. I was miserable and lonely. I desperatly wanted someone to listen and to love me. But who would?
Then one day I ran into an old acquaintence. He began to share with me how he had a spritual encounter with Jesus Christ. "Yes, he is real". As he recounted his life and saw the many wrong turns he had taken, he released it all to God. He put his trust in Jesus, his son that he provided forgiveness, cleansing, and healing. The most amazing thing happened. As he was speaking, a supernatural power came over me, I  began to weep. I felt a cleansing going through me. As I believed in Jesus that he was God's sacrifice to bring forgiveness, I experienced it. Total forgiveness, total cleansing, total, connection with the Lord. My life was changed from othat moment on. I have had many stopping and starting moments, but it has all been with God at the center of my life. Loving me, guiding me, being with me.
Ask Jesus to come into your life today. Receive him as the sacrifice God provided for your sins to be forgiven and removed. He will change your life.
Let your old life be put to death with him on the cross he died on. Yes he rose from the dead, but it was to a new and power of life. Let your life be set on a new course of direction.
You can do it!

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