Friday, March 2, 2012

DeClutter our Lives

Have you ever noticed how fast stuff can accumulate? In the kitchen, at my desk, in the is a constant battle to keep things in it's place! If I let stuff get out of hand, I feel the effects of it in other areas of my life. I loose my focus. It is hard for me to concentrate too. Even though it seems everything is out where I can see it, it is more hard to find the things that I need. I am also less productive!
The same is true in the Spirit. If I let things clutter my heart, I can feel it. I lose clarity of mind and spirit. If I let irritations build up, it effects me. If I let unforgiveness build up, it will harden my heart. If I become cold toward the needs of others, I stop moving in compassion toward them. All this will break down into less prayer, less love, less connection with the Lord.
I know we all fight the clutter bug in our homes, our cars, and at our offices. It is important to address these areas. But most importantly, lets be sure we deal with the clutter of our heart! A clean heart is priceless
He desires a clean hands and a pure heart. By his grace we can do it:)

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